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Children's Ministry

Suri held Buzzing Bees for Jesus Children’s Camps several years ago and saw a huge impact in the lives of young people in the Hubli, India area. Many now have gone into the full time ministry and are serving the Lord in their places of work both in India and abroad.


The Lord led Suri & Tammy to begin the Buzzing Bees for Jesus Children’s

Camps in the Spring of 2002. Since then they have been conducting Children’s

Camps in Hubli and other nearby towns and villages twice a year (October & May).

The response to these camps has been overwhelming with at least 350-400 children

in attendance at each camp. The camps last for around 7 days and the kids are taught

the Word of God, worship, prayer, there are activities and games for the kids as well

as we give the kids one meal per each day of the camp. Along with this, the children

are taught worship dances, songs and dramas. On the last day of the camp, in the even-

ing, we hold a city wide evangelistic meeting where the kids themselves minister to the

usually 1,000 + crowd through the worship dances, dramas and songs. Many people

have been blessed by the kid’s hearts to share Jesus and it is not uncommon to see tears

in people’s eyes as the children minister through the anointing of the Holy Spirit.


God has definitely given us an anointing for these young people, to see them raised up and launched out into their giftings. We look forward to many more years of teaching young people about Jesus and seeing the nation of India turned around through this generation.

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